Member News 2/23
LASAN’s Director and General Manager to speak at Global Water Intelligence Session LA Sanitation & Environment’s (LASAN) Director and General Manager, Enrique Zaldivar, will be speaking at Global Water Intelligence's virtual session "Accelerating Macro Solutions [...]
In Case You Missed It 2/23
Bioenergy and Jobs Fact Sheet A new fact sheet on bioenergy and jobs was developed by Gladstein Neandross & Associates for the Bioenergy Association of California (BAC) and the California Natural Gas Vehicle Partnership. The fact sheet [...]
Webinars and Workshops 2/23
Workshop: Wastewater Resource Recovery - Challenges and Opportunities from a Danish and Californian Perspective At the moment, wastewater resource recovery facilities face a range of optimization challenges, increasing demands for resource recovery, and a new [...]
CASA News 2/9
Virtual Winter Conference Recap Thank you to all the attendees, speakers, members, and staff who joined us in making this year's virtual 2021 Winter Conference a success! The two-day event was well attended with nearly [...]
State Legislative Update 2/9
Senator Hertzberg Introduces SB 273 On Febuary 1, 2021, Senator Hertzberg introduced CASA sponsored legislation Senate Bill (SB) 273. Similar to SB 1052, which CASA sponsored last session, this bill will authorize wastewater agencies to [...]
Federal Update 2/9
Congressional Update: Reconciliation, Power Sharing Agreement, & Committee Assignments The Biden Administration and congressional Democrats have moved forward and approved the budgetary framework, known as Reconciliation, that will ultimately produce a federal spending relief package [...]