Member News 3/10
EBMUD Receives NACWA National Environmental Achievement Award Congratulations to the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), which garnered two National Environmental Achievement Awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). EBMUD’s Virtual Tour [...]
In Case You Missed it 3/11
House Debate Starts on Need for Boosted Clean Water Funding “Funding for U.S. water infrastructure—specifically for wastewater-treatment facilities—is gaining more attention in the House as advocates push for increased federal investment. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee [...]
Webinars and Workshops 3/11
SB 91 Emergency Rental Assistance Program and Household Utility Debt Information Session Tomorrow, Thursday, March 11, from 1:00pm to 3:30pm, the California Department of Housing and Community Development will be hosting an interactive listening session [...]
CASA News 2/23
Thank You CASA Committee Members! CASA staff would like to extend our sincerest appreciation and gratitude to all who serve on CASA committee’s and workgroups. Your input, time, and effort is invaluable in supporting the [...]
Federal Update 2/23
Water Infrastructure Legislation Introduced in the House Representative Grace Napolitano (D-CA) has reintroduced legislation to increase the funding authorization for the popular Title XVI Program. Entitled the Water Recycling Investment and Improvement Act (H.R. 1015), [...]
Creative Corner 2/23
Wipes Clog Pipes Logo Goes Mobile! With the onset of COVID-19 and dramatic increase in the use of wipes for disinfecting surfaces, the West Valley Sanitation District wanted to get the word out to their [...]