Webinars, Workshops & Events 10/21
CFCC Free Virtual Funding Fair The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is hosting a free virtual funding fair today, October 21 and 28, 2021. The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available [...]
CASA News 9/21
Bay Area Shoreline and Waterway Displays In early July, CASA was invited to sponsor a message about wastewater on a set of more than 50 outdoor shoreline and waterway displays maps for the Bay Area. [...]
Federal Legislative Update 9/21
House Committees Markup Reconciliation Proposals Last week, House Democrats met their self-imposed deadline for congressional committees to markup and report out each of their portions of the overall $3.5 trillion dollar reconciliation package. The next [...]
In Case You Missed It 9/21
EPA to Sunset Temporary Disinfectant Supply Chain Flexibilities In 2020, EPA introduced regulatory flexibilities to ensure that critical antimicrobial products remained available as the country responded to the COVID-19 public health emergency. As supply chains [...]
Webinars, Workshops & Events 9/21
Veterans in Water California’s water utilities are now hiring and veterans have the skills utilities need. How do veterans transition into water careers? Our panel of Federal representatives and veterans who lead in the California [...]
State Legislative Update – 9/8
CASA Wipes Bill, AB 818 (Bloom), Heads to the Governor CASA is pleased to announce that after three years of legislative work on the wipes issue, AB 818 (Bloom) is headed to the Governor’s desk! [...]