Five CASA Members Selected to Apply for WIFIA Loans
Congratulations to CASA member agencies who were invited to apply for FY 2018 Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loans. The WIFIA program is inviting 39 projects in 16 states to apply for funding. The City of Stockton, City of Los Angeles, Silicon Valley Clean Water, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and Inland Empire Utilities Agency will represent California.
Funds will support projects that include treatment infrastructure upgrades, conveyance infrastructure rehabilitation and advanced treatment for groundwater replenishment. Together, the selected borrowers will receive WIFIA loans totaling up to $5 billion to help finance over $10 billion in water infrastructure investments nationally.
Find out more about each project.
State Water Board Releases Annual Sewer Fee Survey
The State Water Board’s Division of Financial Assistance is conducting a survey of sewer rates and connection (capacity) fees for calendar year 2018. As part of this year’s effort, DFA has developed an online survey and questionnaire to assist in gathering the information.
The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and assists DFA with providing communities with financing to address water quality issues. The survey deadline is December 31, 2018.
Click here to participate in the survey.
Central San Recognized for Maintenance Reliability Award
Congratulations to Central San for excellence in maintenance of their regional wastewater treatment plant in Martinez. Central San was honored by Uptime Magazine with the national award for Best Reliability Engineering for Maintenance Program.
Central San collects and treats an average of 44 million gallons of wastewater every day for the residents in central Contra Costa County. The award recognizes Central San’s maintenance program which ensures operational reliability and keeps costs down. Central San’s all-inclusive approach allows staff to determine improvements in equipment and processes, saving customers money.