APWA “Best Project of the Year” Award
Congratulations to the Las Virgenes – Triunfo Joint Powers Authority for being awarded Best Project of the Year by the American Public Works Association (APWA) of Southern California for process air improvements at the Tapia Water Reclamation Facility. The project, completed in partnership with PACE Advanced Water Engineering, included the installation of more than 60 aeration grids and three new blowers, which reduce the amount of energy consumed at Tapia by 40%. Overall, the JPA and the communities it serves benefit from a return on investment of less than six years and an estimated savings of $2.5M over the 20-year expected life of the new system. “Efficient operations is one of our leading business values,” said LVMWD General Manager David Pedersen. “We prioritize capital improvement projects that ensure both the reliable delivery of water to our customers and the efficient treatment of wastewater thereafter.” Read more in the press release.