Sign up Now for Innovative Technology Seminars
In September 2019, CASA and CWEA will offer one-day classes on innovative technology advancements for biosolids and renewable energy and the regulations that govern them.

The workshops usually sell out so please register early. Please hold the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 11, at S.F. Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland
  • Tuesday, September 17 at L.A. Environmental Learning Center at Hyperion, Los Angeles

An agenda and registration information will be provided soon but save the date! CWEA certificate holders will earn contact hours for technological advancements and regulatory requirements in the wastewater fields.


Brown Bag Seminars Coming Your Way
Several California environmental agencies will be jointly hosting a series of Brown Bag Seminars about Integrating the Bay and Delta with a focus on water quality. The free seminars are open to the public with no RSVP required. All talks will be held at Park Tower Building in Sacramento and will be webcasted and recorded.

  • Seminar 1: Managing Water Quality Across Boundaries, Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 12:00–1:00 PM: Examine perspectives on technical, geographical and political boundaries.
  • Seminar 2: The Place of Estuaries along the Continuum from Mountains to Oceans, Thursday, July 18, 2019, 12:00–1:00 PM: Examine why we need to think about the Bay and the Delta in their unique setting between the Sierra and the Pacific.

More information is available here.