It’s Time to Celebrate California Water Professionals Week
This week, October 3-11 we are thrilled to celebrate the fourth annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week! During this time, we are extra thankful for all of the men and women who continue to perform essential work to protect public health and the environment, 24/7, 365. We encourage CASA member agencies to showcase the programs and (virtual) events that educate California water customers, local elected leaders, state and federal legislators and other key audiences. Sharing your agency’s activities during the week highlights the value of water and wastewater services and the important role that water professionals play in providing these services. It is also an opportunity to showcase careers in the water industry. Please share information on your website and social media accounts. For more information, visit CWEA’s California Water Professionals Appreciation Week Toolkit.

Imagine a Day Without Water
On Wednesday, October 21, CASA is proud to participate in the national education campaign, Imagine a Day Without Water. We encourage our members to join us in highlighting how water is essential, invaluable, and in need of investment. Sign up to participate and learn more about the history of this campaign, the resources available, who else is involved, and get social media templates here.