Updates to CASA COVID-19 Webpage
As new information is released and obtained, CASA continues to update our COVID-19 webpage. Some recent additions include:
- COVID-19 Message from the Executive Director
- CSDA COVID “Take Action” page
- FEMA, USEPA, WARN & AWWA to Provide Cloth Face Masks to CA Water & Wastewater Utilities
- CASA Advocates for Local Government Support in Federal Relief Efforts
- Increasing Focus on Wastewater as a Surveillance Tool to Track COVID-19
- Governor’s Executive Order expands workers compensation insurance for workers who contract COVID-19
FEMA, US EPA, CalWARN & AWWA to Provide Cloth Face Masks to Utilities
In partnership with FEMA, USEPA, and the American Water Works Association, the California Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (CalWARN) will be receiving a limited supply of cloth reusable face masks and making them available to California water and wastewater utilities. Your agency does not need to be a CalWARN member to request face masks. Further information is available here on the American Water Works Association California-Nevada Section website.
Executive Order Expands Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage
On May 6, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-62-20, which expands Workers Compensation Insurance coverage to essentially all employees required to work outside the home that contract COVID-19. The expanded benefit is a rebuttable presumption that requires a positive test, or a diagnosis followed by a positive test. It applies to any worker who was directed to work outside the home between March 19 and July 5, and who began showing symptoms within 14 days of doing so. CASA member agencies should review the full text of the order and confer with their insurance providers about the potential impacts to your operations. The Dept. of Industrial Relations also has a COVID-19 website with additional information for all employers. https://www.dir.ca.gov/covid19/