As new information is released and obtained, CASA continues to update our COVID-19 webpage. Some recent additions include:
As a result of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emergency, and state and federal guidance related to social distancing, the State Water Board made the difficult decision to cancel the April 18 Wastewater Operator Certification Examination . All examinees who were scheduled for the April exam are being rescheduled for the October 2020 exam and their fees applied to to the October test.The State Water Resources Control board is currently working to identify viable options to assist those wastewater treatment plants that may have emergency needs which cannot wait until the regularly scheduled examination. If your agency has an emergency need for an examination to be conducted, please inform the Wastewater Operator Certification program by sending the following information to the wwopcertprogram@waterboards.ca.gov e-mail address:
- Name of Examinee
- Grade Level of Examination Needed
- Wastewater System Location
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor Contact Information (Name, Phone Number & E-mail Address)
- Emergency Need
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented circumstances.