Connecting Beyond CASA Connects: Join CASA’s LISTSERVs!
Is there a topic of interest particularly near and dear to your heart? Maybe biosolids? Collection systems? Legislative advocacy? Along with this newsletter, CASA offers several other ways to connect and share on these topics and more. With a number of LISTSERVs available to our members for updates on Biosolids, Communications, Collection Systems, Federal Advocacy, Regulatory Issues, State Advocacy, Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy, and our NEWEST listserv, Professional Development, there really is something for everyone! These group email lists are interactive and the most immediate way to get up to date information about what’s going on in the world of clean water advocacy.

Members can subscribe employees to any (or all) of these LISTSERVs. If you are interested, please send Cheryl MacKelvie your email at and identify the list you would like to subscribe to . We are proud to be your source for wastewater legislative, regulatory, and industry news! Below please find a brief description of each LISTSERV:

  • Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy (ACE Workgroup)– Provides updates on variety of issues dealing with climate change, renewable energy, and air quality issues. Agendas and materials for the monthly meetings are distributed through this LISTSERV.
  • Biosolids– Frequent updates on legal, regulatory, and science issues related to biosolids management.
  • Communications – Provides a forum for updates and information exchange from public information and outreach professionals working on community affairs programs/projects. Includes periodic reports from the Communications Committee.
  • Collection Systems Workgroup– Provides updates and information on issues facing collection systems. Agendas and materials for the bimonthly meetings are distributed through this LISTSERV.
  • Federal Advocacy– Updates from our federal legislative advocates regarding the latest developments from Capitol Hill, including bill tracking and key legislation that impacts our member agencies. The LISTSERV is also a forum for Federal Legislative Committee members to communicate.
  • Regulatory Workgroup– Provides updates and information on important regulatory issues for both water quality and biosolids. Agendas and materials for the monthly meetings, including comment letters and important notices, are distributed through this LISTSERV.
  • State Advocacy– Updates from our State Legislative Committee regarding state legislative advocacy including bill tracking and sponsored legislation that impact our member agencies. The LISTSERV is also a forum for State Legislative Committee members to communicate.
  • Professional Development – A source to keep members informed of upcoming webinars, workshops, trainings, events, and general opportunities for professional development in all facets of the clean water industry including biosolids, communications, finance, human resources, regulatory, and more.


We Moved!
The CASA office is excited to announce that we have moved! We are officially in our new home as of September 1, 2021. Don’t fret, we haven’t gone far, just a couple blocks down the street (and closer to the Capitol building!). We hope you can come visit us in the near future at our new location: 925 L Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814.