Join Us in August as CASA’s Annual Conference Goes Virtual
The current pandemic has changed so much about how we live, work, and gather together. While we were looking forward to seeing you all in person this August in Squaw Creek, these new realities have forced us to transition our in-person 2020 Annual Conference to a virtual event. This decision was a difficult one, but our move to a virtual event is meant to prioritize the health and safety of our attendees, speakers, and staff, and to ensure that our clean water community avoids the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
While the landscape of the Annual Conference may have changed, we remain committed to providing an exceptional event of the high caliber our members have come to expect. CASA staff have been hard at work conceptualizing and envisioning the layout of this new format to best suit our members’ needs, and to transform our in-person conference to an even larger virtual one. Save the dates of August 12-14 for our virtual event and keep an eye out for future communications about speakers, topics and other details as we move forward.
While we truly wish we were able to see you all in person a few months from now, a virtual event presents many new opportunities to provide the same level of engagement, learning opportunities, and connection in a way that keeps everyone safe.
Communications Survey
Communications experts, we need your input! Please be on the lookout for a survey that will be emailed out to the membership in mid-June. The objective of this survey to provide CASA with valuable information on how we can best support your agencies. Effective communication builds awareness and trust with constituents, supports our shared mission to protect public health and the environment, and provides unified messaging about the wastewater sector. If you would kindly take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the brief survey, your input will help CASA to determine priorities moving forward. Thank you in advance for your participation!