Utility Arrearages Relief Package Finalized
On Monday, July 12 the Senate and Assembly revealed their final trailer bill language to implement the $1 billion previously approved by the Legislature to alleviate COVID-related household water utility debt. AB 128 and SB 128 contain identical versions of the utility arrearages implementation provisions. The package is expected to be voted on and passed to the Governor this week. CASA worked closely with a coalition of other water and wastewater associations to ensure that the Legislature ultimately provided both water and wastewater agencies would be eligible to access the relief funds. Once signed by the Governor, the funding will be distributed relatively quickly by the State Water Board. Initially the funding will be distributed proportionally to community water systems based on a survey conducted by the Water Board.  If funding remains available beyond the proportional distribution amongst drinking water utilities, it will then be available for wastewater debt. Thank you to all our member agencies who responded to our call to action and reached out to their legislators to request that wastewater agencies remain eligible for this relief. For further information or if you have questions, please contact Jessica Gauger.