Regional San Rebrands its Large Recycled Water Project
Harvest Water Press Release_Final Draft UpdatedCongratulations to Regional San, which just completed a rebranding effort on a project now known as “Harvest Water”. “With our new branding in place, Regional San is well positioned to deliver simple, meaningful and credible messaging to local farmers and our program stakeholders,” says Nicole Coleman, Public Affairs Manager. “The new brand better supports our team’s efforts to secure landowner agreements and construct the distribution system needed to deliver our high-quality recycled water.” Read more about the rebranding efforts in this press release and learn more about the Harvest Water Program here.
IEUA Launches New Digital Education Program
The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) recently launched a new digital education program booklet titled “Wally’s Water Conservation Camp”. This booklet is an at-home activity guide geared to teach both children and adults about water resources, sustainability and environmental stewardship. “We are excited to have developed this innovative program for students and families to learn about water awareness and the importance of sustaining our planet’s natural resources,” stated IEUA General Manager Shivaji Deshmukh. “Being able to teach these lessons through a virtual platform, while reducing screen time and encouraging movement, outdoor exploration and hands-on activities, is especially important during this time, and Wally’s Water Conservation Camp is a great resource to continue educating our future generations.” Read more in the press release.