Exclusive Member Benefit: Webinar Tracking Made Easy!
Would you like to receive a comprehensive list of upcoming webinars, workshops, and events delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up for CASA’s newest LISTSERV, Professional Development, a source to keep you informed of upcoming webinars, workshops, trainings, events, and general opportunities for professional development in all facets of the clean water industry including biosolids, communications, finance, human resources, regulatory, and more. Do you know a shining star in your agency that might benefit from continued growth and professional development opportunities? Be sure to share this resource with them! To get signed up for the newest CASA LISTSERV, please email Cheryl MacKelvie with your name, preferred email, and affiliated agency or association.
Oct 7th Diversity in California Water Panel Discussion
The California water sector is rapidly hiring. How do we reflect California’s diversity at all levels of our workforce and foster a more inclusive environment with our co-workers? Watch the panel of water leaders discuss workforce development programs, new DEI efforts, what can hold back diversity efforts, and the champions we need to move these efforts forward. The webinar took place on October 7, 2021 as part of a series celebrating water professionals during California Water Professionals Appreciation Week. Watch Here.
PPIC Water Policy Center Conference
The Public Policy Institute of California’s annual November water policy conference, “Seizing the Drought: Water Priorities for Our Changing Climate” event will include three late morning webinars (11:00 AM –12:00 PM) on November 15, 16, and 17. At the conference, the PPIC Water Policy Center will convene a diverse group of experts to discuss how to tackle the highly disruptive effects of climate change on our water system, including immediate actions we can take to boost the state’s resilience. CASA is pleased to be a sponsor of this event. Be sure to register today!
CalEPA Hosting Microplastics Event
On November 17, the State Water Resource Control Board (State Water Board) is hosting a public workshop on their development of drinking water analytical methods and a testing and reporting plan for drinking water utilities. Previously, on September 28, the State Water Board’s microplastics webpage was updated with SOPs for using raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, while the proposed drinking water testing and report plan will be released on November 10. Comments on the methods and plan are due on December 22, and they’re expected to be adopted by the State Water Board at their February 15, 2022 meeting. Early next year, the State Water Board is also planning to release analytical methods for ocean water, sediment, and fish tissue. Please contact Jared Voskuhl with your comments, feedback, or questions.
2022 CASA Winter Conference
CASA’s 2022 Winter Conference will be held in-person at the Hilton Palm Springs on January 19-21. We are bringing back all our favorite elements, including round-table discussions, live panels, stellar speakers, and plenty of networking opportunities. This year’s Winter Conference theme is “Partners in Excellence,” because we truly could not do what we do without all of you!
Be sure to register today!