CWEA & CASA Webinar
Join us on Thursday, June 25, 2020, from 11:00am to 12:30pm (PT) for the second webinar in our two-part series on Wipes in partnership with the California Water Environment Association (CWEA). Wipes Webinar 2: O&M and Technology Strategies will focus on agency success stories, led by Diana Messina with the State Water Board. Learn about outreach, operations and technology tactics agencies are using in the fight against wipes. Be sure to join us as we share these new and exciting techniques and technologies to keep those flushed wipes from clogging sewers and causing sewer overflows.
CV-SALTS Webinar
On Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 10:30am PT the Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-term Sustainability (CV SALTS) will host a webinar CV-SALTS Salt and Nitrate Compliance that will provide an overview and orientation for professional services consultants, attorneys, and outreach specialists interested in supporting regulated dischargers in the Central Valley comply with new regulations for salt and nitrate management.
NACWA Webinar Series
Join the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) on July 8, 16, and 28 at 11:00am PT respectively, as they present a three-part webinar series titled “Partnerships to Reduce the Impacts from COVID-19 on the Water Sector”. These webinars will each feature a panel of private sector thought leaders shaping the water sector and will be moderated by a NACWA public utility executive with the goal of hearing how the consulting/engineering companies, manufacturing and investment firms and rating agencies have been impacted by and are offering innovative services in response to the economic challenges caused by COVID-19. Register today!