Enhanced Source Control Workshop
Join CWEA during their 2024 P3S Conference for an Enhanced Source Control workshop. California’s role as water reuse pioneers continues with pending regulations for direct potable reuse (DPR). A critical component to protecting DPR systems is an increased focus on pretreatment and sewershed monitoring, frequently called enhanced source control. Join California’s leading wastewater experts for in-depth discussions and information sharing about regulations, research, case studies, and success stories from managers and inspectors implementing their new enhanced source control programs. For registration and more information, check out the flyer.


WELL 12th Annual Conference
The Water Education for Latino Leaders (WELL) 12th Annual Statewide Conference will be held from Friday, March 15 to Saturday, March 16, 2024, in San Jose, CA! WELL will bring together top water policy experts and practitioners to share their knowledge on California’s top water challenges and the opportunities to mitigate the impacts. Join WELL at their annual conference to expand your water knowledge and provide water solutions for your community.

Early Bird Registration Fees ends January 18, 2024.