Employment Related COVID Bills Signed by Governor

On Thursday, September 17, Governor Newsom signed two COVID related employment bills that likely will impact all wastewater agencies.
AB 685 (Reyes) requires that starting January 1, 2021, employers must issue notifications of potential COVID exposures to any workers exposed to an employee that has tested positive or been ordered to self-isolate. The Governor also signed
SB 1159 (Hill) which codifies and extends his earlier Executive Order to expand the workers compensation insurance presumption to all workers who contract COVID and who are required by their employer to work outside of the home for the duration of the Coronavirus pandemic. More information about the implementation of SB 1159, which takes effect immediately as an urgency measure, is available from the Department of Industrial Relations
here. A complete wrap up of all bills impacting wastewater agencies signed or vetoed by the Governor will be in a forthcoming edition of CASA Connects.