AB 818 Wipes Collection Study Phase 1 Underway
After the passage of our sponsored wet wipes labeling law, AB 818, in 2021, CASA has been working with industry stakeholders to implement the education and outreach requirements in the bill. This effort includes advising on the industry’s mandatory public outreach campaign and distributing materials from the Responsible Flushing Alliance to our member agencies. Another requirement is for CASA and INDA to complete a collection study in California for the purpose of informing the public education campaign about what types of materials are being flushed into California wastewater systems.

CASA staff recently attended the collections and forensic analysis, which began with the “dry season” studies taking place at the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San). Preliminary collection study results from IEUA (Oct. 11-12) and Central San (Oct. 17-18) are still being compiled, but seem to show that a large percentage of the items identified were paper towels (53%), wipes labeled with the “Do Not Flush” symbol, including baby wipes (34%), and feminine hygiene products (7%). Some of the more unusual items collected include an action figure, hair weave, pet mouse, banana peel, a knee sock, rubber bands, cloth towels, and a plastic toy frog. Wet weather sampling will take place during the winter, and a final report should be ready next year!

For questions about this project please contact Jessica Gauger.