In a significant victory for proponents of biosolids land application, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently issued an opinion strongly supporting land application in that state under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Farm Act (RTFA). The court found in Gilbert v. Synagro that land application of biosolids is a “normal agricultural operation” that is protected under the RTFA. The court also noted that the land application of biosolids had been closely monitored for three decades and highlighted the pervasive nature of this practice in Pennsylvania. CASA views this decision as an important victory and recognizes the efforts of several CASA members as crucial to securing this win, including associate members Synagro and the law firm of Beveridge and Diamond. Though decided under different theories of law than the ongoing CASA litigation related to Measure E in Kern County, the Pennsylvania decision supports the idea that land application is a safe, sustainable practice that should be promoted rather than challenged. While this precedent is only binding in the state of Pennsylvania, California and other states also have some variation of a “right to farm” act. As such, the opinion could influence future challenges to biosolids land application across the country.