State Legislative Update 3/24
CASA Sponsors Three Bills in 2021 Last Friday, March 19, the CASA State Legislative Committee met and took positions on all bills of interest to the wastewater community that were introduced in the 2021 Legislative [...]
Federal Update 3/24
CASA Holds Special Committee Meeting on Congressionally Directed Funding Rules Last week, the CASA Federal Legislative Committee (FLC) held a special committee meeting for the CASA membership to review the recent reinstatement of congressionally directed [...]
Member News 3/24
LACSD Launch Event On April 15, the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts is hosting a virtual launch event for their Clearwater Project. The Clearwater Project is being built to protect local waterways by addressing aging [...]
Webinars and Workshops 3/24
CalRecycle: Pharmaceutical and Sharps Waste Stewardship (SB 212) Plan Workshop Today, Wednesday, March 24, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm CalRecycle staff will present an overview of the statutory and regulatory requirements, submittal process, and timing for [...]
CASA News 3/10
Award of Excellence Nominations: Expanded Categories! CASA is pleased to invite member agencies and associates to submit an Award of Excellence application now through April 30, 2021. This year, CASA has expanded the program to [...]
Federal Update 3/10
Special Federal Legislative Committee Meeting: Earmarks Following the announcement from the House Committee on Appropriations that earmarks will return for the upcoming appropriations cycle, FY 2022, CASA’s Federal Legislative Committee (FLC) will hold a special [...]