Member News 10/3
Orange County Water Agencies Dedicate New PFAS Treatment Plant The Orange County Water District (OCWD) and East Orange County Water District (EOCWD) celebrated the dedication of a new PFAS treatment plant, marking a major milestone [...]
Upcoming Events 10/3
California Water Professionals Appreciation Week We are thrilled to celebrate the eighth annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week on October 5-13. We encourage CASA member agencies to showcase the programs and events that educate California [...]
CASA News 9/12
Get to Know the CASA Team: Alyssa Downs, Manager of Communications Alyssa joined CASA in December 2019 and plays a key role in providing timely, relevant information to both members and legislators on clean water [...]
State Legislative Update 9/12
2024 Legislative Session Wrap-Up The 2024 Legislative Session has come to an end, and many bills passed in the final days and weeks of Session are now awaiting the Governor's consideration. The Governor has until [...]
Federal Legislative Update 9/12
White House Publishes Federal R&D PFAS Strategic Plan Last month, the Administration’s National Science and Technology Council’s PFAS Strategy Team published the PFAS Federal Research and Development Strategic Plan report. The report is the latest [...]
In Case You Missed It 9/12
P2 Week – Just Around the Corner! In preparation for Pollution Prevention Week (P2 Week), observed Sept. 16-20, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering resources to help organizations promote their work in [...]