CASA News 7/15
Renowned Economist Eugenio Aleman to Keynote at Annual Conference CASA invites you to join us as we host our Annual Conference on August 10 - 12 at the Resort at Squaw Creek! We are pleased to announce [...]
Federal Update 7/15
Coalition Letter Sent to USEPA and OMB CASA, as part of a coalition of organizations representing the water and wastewater sectors and local government, sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and [...]
In Case You Missed It 7/15
NACWA Releases White Paper on Critical Need to Maintain Biosolids Management Options NACWA has developed a policy paper outlining the importance to clean water utilities of maintaining all three well-regulated options for biosolids management – incineration, [...]
Member News 7/15
Clean and Efficient Energy Project Expected to Save $83 Million The Board of Directors of West County Wastewater (WCW) has announced plans for a comprehensive energy, infrastructure, and process improvement project designed to significantly reduce [...]
CASA News 6/22
Final “Ask the Experts” Webinar Next Week! Join us on Thursday, June 30 from 9:30am to 11:00am for our final webinar in the CASA Ask the Experts webinar series: Air Quality, Climate Change and Energy [...]
State Legislative Update 6/23
AB 2247 (Bloom) CASA’s co-sponsored bill, AB 2247 (Bloom) was heard yesterday and passed from the Senate Environmental Quality Committee. The bill, which requires the disclosure of PFAS in products on publicly accessible database, will [...]