CASA News 8/31
Annual Conference Recap CASA’s Annual Conference held at the Resort at Squaw Creek was a resounding success! Together with some of the clean water sector’s best and brightest, we focused on the future and prepared [...]
State Legislative Update 8/31
AB 2247 (Bloom) Heads to the Governor CASA’s co-sponsored bill, AB 2247 (Bloom) is headed to the Governor! This week the bill was heard on the Senate Floor Monday evening, and passed with a 23-12 vote. [...]
Regulatory Update 8/31
Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in [...]
In Case You Missed It 8/31
California’s Next Secretary for Environmental Protection Announced Governor Gavin Newsom announced that Amelia Yana Garcia Gonzalez will serve as California’s next Secretary for Environmental Protection after Secretary Jared Blumenfeld steps down in September. Garcia Gonzalez [...]
Member News 8/31
OC San’s Virtual Wastewater 101 Citizens Academy Coming Soon… The virtual Wastewater 101 Citizen Academy aims to educate and inform the community on the various programs, initiatives, and efforts led by OC San. The Academy features [...]
Upcoming Events 9/16
BAYWORK's 3-Part Digital Worker Webinar Series Registration is now open to join BAYWORK for a 3-part webinar series where experts discuss digital tools and implications for utility workers. For water and wastewater professionals, especially: Managers [...]