Upcoming Events 11/2
BAYWORK Virtual Training Buffet Join BAYWORK on November 8, 9, and 10, from 10:00am to 3:00pm via Zoom for a variety of workshops on topics ranging from Nutrient Optimization to Creating Career Pathways and Next-Gen [...]
State Legislative Update 10/4
Final 2022 Bill Dispositions The final deadline for the Governor to sign or veto all bills sent to him in the 2022 Legislative Session was Friday, September 30. Over the last several weeks he acted [...]
Water Professionals Week 10/4
It’s Time to Celebrate YOU (California Water Professionals) This week we are thrilled to celebrate the sixth annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week. We are extra thankful for all of the men and women who [...]
Federal Update 10/4
Congress Passes Continuing Resolution Ahead of Start of New Fiscal Year Last week, Congress passed a continuing resolution keeping the government open for the start of the new fiscal year (FY) that began on October [...]
Regulatory Update 10/4
CalOSHA Memorializes Requirements and Exemptions for Pipeline Injection CASA recently received an official letter from CalOSHA which memorializes the exemptions from the Process Safety Management requirements for POTWs who inject biomethane into the common carrier [...]
CASA News 10/4
CASA Joins BAYWORK CASA is proud to announce that we have joined the Bay Area Water/Wastewater Workforce Reliability (BAYWORK) as an associate member. Operational reliability of water and wastewater utilities depends on both having sufficient [...]