Member News 7/26
“Bingo”: USD Workers Recover Flushed Wedding Ring It’s a triple-crown win for Union Sanitary District (USD) Collection Services workers: They recently recovered a treasured ring thought to be lost in a sewer line – the [...]
Regulatory Updates 7/26
Water Board Releases Draft Direct Potable Reuse Regulations The California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) released an advanced copy of the highly anticipated Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) regulations. The 45-day comment period and [...]
State Legislative Update 7/26
AB 759 (Grayson) Signed by the Governor We are pleased to report that CASA’s sponsored bill, AB 759 (Grayson) relating to sanitary district accounting procedures was signed by Governor Newsom on June 29. This bill will become [...]
CASA News 7/26
CASA Conference Keynote: PPIC President Tani Cantil-Sakauye Wrap-up summer with your colleagues in San Diego at CASA’s Annual Conference, August 9-11, with a chance to hear from Tani Cantil-Sakauye, president and CEO of the Public [...]
CASA News 6/22
Join Your Peers at CASA’s Annual Conference Wrap-up summer with your colleagues in San Diego at CASA’s Annual Conference, August 9-11, 2023. Our program will feature speakers and panels that focus on how wastewater agencies [...]
Member News 6/22
Roseville Converts Organic Waste into Renewable Fuel In a significant milestone, the City of Roseville has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and minimize landfill waste. This effort involves powering its [...]