State Legislative Update 8/31
AB 818 Wipes Collection Study Moving Forward After the passage of our sponsored wet wipes labeling law, AB 818 in 2021, CASA has been working with industry stakeholders to implement the education and outreach requirements [...]
Federal Updates 8/31
OMB Publishes Final BABA Guidance for Grants and Agreements The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued its final Guidance for Grants and Agreements pertaining to Build America, Buy America (BABA) mandates. The final [...]
Member News 8/31
Welcome New CASA Members Environmental Science Associates Century Old Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgraded The San Luis Obispo (SLO) Water Resource Recovery Facility has been cleaning wastewater for a century. Now it’s going through a [...]
In Case You Missed It 8/31
Consumer Knowledge is Key to Solving the Flushability Issue
Upcoming Events 8/31
CAPIO 2023 Leadership Summit CAPIO has announced that registration is now open for the inaugural Leadership Summit taking place in Lake Forest, CA on September 25 & 26! Join CAPIO for an insightful and engaging [...]
Upcoming Events 7/26
WBE Research Coordination Network (RCN) Annual Meeting The National Science Foundation RCN for Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and Emerging Public Health Threats, together with the Water Environment Federation, is hosting their annual meeting on August [...]