State Legislative Update 11/2
AB 818 Wipes Collection Study Phase 1 Underway After the passage of our sponsored wet wipes labeling law, AB 818, in 2021, CASA has been working with industry stakeholders to implement the education and outreach [...]
Federal Update 11/2
H.R. 2964, WIPPES Act Today, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, ad Commerce favorably reported H.R. 2964, WIPPES Act to the full committee by voice-vote. The WIPPES Act would establish national "Do Not Flush" [...]
Member News 11/2
Central San’s “Go With The Flow” Bicycle Tour Sunday, October 15, Central San offered its first ever bicycling tour of its service area. Twenty-two participants of all ages came along for the tour, with some [...]
Upcoming Events 11/2
CFCC Hosts Fall Funding Fairs The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is hosting free 2023 fall funding fairs online and in-person, November 1 and 8, 2023 will be online and November 14, 2023, will be [...]
CASA News 10/12
It’s Time to Celebrate YOU (California Water Professionals) This week we are thrilled to celebrate the seventh annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week, during which time we are extra thankful for all the men and [...]
State Legislative Update 10/12
Saturday, October 14 is the deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature, and a full bill report will be coming in the next edition of CASA Connects. Governor Vetoes Bills to Ban [...]