Multi-State Research Committee Response to USEPA OIG Report on Biosolids Regulations
CASA helped execute a scientific review of the report released in November 2018 by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at EPA on the federal regulations governing the land application of biosolids. The biosolids scientific research community took exception to much of the report, in particular numerous conclusions and broad statements about risk and available data that were not based on any scientific evidence. The researchers who prepared the review reexamined the findings of the report with full consideration of the extensive scientific information and data available and rebut much of the November 2018 report. The rebuttal has been sent to the OIG with an offer to further discuss the findings and a request that the rebuttal be posted on the OIG website along with EPA’s response. Author’s included Greg Kester with CASA, Dr. Nick Basta with Ohio State University, Dr. Ian Pepper with the University of Arizona, Dr. Linda Lee with Purdue University, and Dr. Alyssa Zearley with Ohio State University.

The report has strong concurrence and support from the following Associations: National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), Water Environment Federation (WEF), CASA, North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA), North West Biosolids (NW Biosolids), and Virginia Biosolids Council (VBC). Please contact Greg Kester with any questions or comments.