Central San Gives Maintenance Access Covers a Makeover
To help mark its 75th anniversary, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) is launching a phased beautification project for its maintenance access covers (a.k.a “manholes”). The current cover was a standard template from a foundry and lacked the “Central San” name identifier. In contrast, the new cover highlights Central San’s mission of protecting public health and the environment and reflects the natural beauty of its service area. Created in-house by Central San’s graphics specialist, it features a wetland below a silhouette of Mt. Diablo, along with native plants and wildlife. The goals of the project are to help customers better connect with Central San and the essential service it provides, make it easier to identify the agency responsible for sewer service, and create a positive legacy for the future. Central San maintains about 36,700 maintenance access covers throughout its service area, so replacing them will be an ongoing process—a true legacy project. The plan is to replace 400-500 each year, starting in high visibility/walkability areas. To prevent waste, old covers that are still in good condition will be reused in lower visibility areas until the existing supply is exhausted. Central San also is planning several community engagement activities in conjunction with the new design rollout, including a cover coloring contest and treasure hunt, all to coordinate with their yearlong 75th anniversary celebration.


EMWD Projects Receive Federal Funding
Two Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) projects have received preliminary federal funding allocations in appropriations legislation, thanks to the diligence of Representatives Ken Calvert and Mark Takano. In the House Appropriations Committee’s FY2022 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies legislation, EMWD’s Quail Valley Septic to Sewer program is slated to receive $2.5 million from Congressman Ken Calvert’s (CA-42nd) request, and its Mead Valley Booster Station project received $1 million from Congressman Mark Takano’s (CA-41st) request. If approved by Congress and signed into law by the President, the funds will be administered through the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s State and Tribal Assistance Grants program. “EMWD is incredibly appreciative of the funding for these two critical infrastructure projects that will benefit our customers,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We are beyond grateful to Congressmembers Calvert and Takano, as well as their staffs, for working with us throughout this process and recognizing the benefits that these projects will provide to their constituents.” Read more in the full press release.


City of LA Welcomes New Director and General Manager
LA Sanitation and Environment recently welcomed Barbara Romero as the new Director and General Manager. As former Deputy Mayor of the City of Los Angeles and former Board of Public Works Commissioner, Barbara is no stranger to LASAN. The CASA Staff sends warm congratulations as we look forward to working with Barbara in the future. Read Barbara’s bio here.