Roseville Converts Organic Waste into Renewable Fuel
In a significant milestone, the City of Roseville has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and minimize landfill waste. This effort involves powering its trash and recycling fleet with renewable natural gas (RNG) derived from the digestion of organic waste. The regional Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (PGWWTP) is owned and operated by the city where the plant efficiently treats millions of gallons of wastewater daily, safeguarding the health of local streams and rivers. The PGWWTP expansion has been under construction since 2020 to increase treatment capacity from 9.5 million gallons to 12 million gallons of wastewater per day to accommodate regional population growth. As part of the expansion, Roseville has developed an energy recovery project to transform the plant into a waste-to-energy facility capable of producing RNG fuel. “We have come full circle with managing our integrated utility service to benefit our community,” said Roseville’s Environmental Utilities Director, Richard D. Plecker. “Through this project, we have the opportunity to generate environmentally beneficial by-products, mitigate the impacts of climate change, comply with regulatory obligations, and safeguard the interests of our ratepayers by stabilizing fuel costs for our solid waste fleet.” Read more in the full press release. View the video.



Anaergia Wins ‘Net Zero Carbon Champion of the Year’
Congratulations to Anaergia, which has been named Net Zero Carbon Champion in the Global Water Awards. Additionally, a wastewater project designed, built, and financed through the Company’s subsidiary SoCal Biomethane for Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority was named Wastewater Project of the Year. The awards represent a milestone in the Company’s mission to accelerate decarbonization at scale and recognize its efforts to build world-class sustainable infrastructure in the water and waste industries. The awards were presented at the Global Water Summit in Berlin, Germany. Read more in the full press release.


NapaSan to Install New Biofuel Mainspring Linear Generator
NapaSan and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, have signed an agreement for the construction and installation of a new Mainspring Linear Generator. The linear generator will run on biofuel produced at NapaSan’s wastewater treatment plant, providing renewable energy to power the plant while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Under the agreement, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources will install, own and operate the linear generator at NapaSan’s wastewater treatment plant. The unit is expected to generate 230 kW of clean, renewable electricity.

The linear generator, developed by Mainspring Energy, is a new fuel-flexible power generation technology that converts a variety of clean fuels, including wastewater treatment plant biogas, into clean and reliable electricity. NapaSan will be the first-ever wastewater treatment facility to run a linear generator using methane produced in an anaerobic digester. The project is currently in the design phase, with installation scheduled to begin this summer. After testing and utility approval, the linear generator is scheduled to be operational in fall. Read more in the full press release.