Innovative Recycling Plan Wins Award
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) has won an Engineering News-Record award for a recycled water project in partnership with Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LASCD). “MWD piloting a bold new initiative to produce an additional regional water source through its Regional Recycled Water Program, which aims to take treated sanitation water and purify it to produce high-quality drinking water. The program includes the use of an advanced water-purification system that would be the first of its kind in the U.S.” Follow this link to read the full article on


Congratulations CAPIO Finalists
Congratulations to these CASA members and associates on their hard work and recognition in the 2020 CAPIO Epic Awards finalists category.

  • Sacramento Area Sewer District Writing; First-Ever FOG Newsletter Marketing and Promotional; First-Ever FOG Newsletter
  • Eastern Municipal Water District Video Production; Patrick the Poo
  • Central San Social Media Campaign; Wipes Clog Pipes (Near and dear to our CASA hearts!); Photography; Heavy Lifters;                 Newsletter or Magazine; Pipeline Newsletter
  • City of Folsom Newsletter or Magazine; City News Newsletters
  • City of Oceanside and NV5 Communications or Marketing Plans/Campaigns Consultant-Supported; Pure Water Oceanside Community Relations, Education and Perception Change
  • Rancho Water Internal Communications; Rancho Water’s Water Buzz Employee News
  • Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Dollar Stretcher; EVMWD & RCWD Waterwise Living 1, 2, 3 Campaign
  • Western Municipal Water District Communications or Marketing Plans/Campaigns Consultant-Supported; North Well Outreach Campaign
  • Regional San and Sacramento Area Sewer District Communications or Marketing Plans/Campaigns Consultant-Supported; Elementary Schools Outreach Campaign

To see the full list of finalists, follow this link.