Pure Water Oceanside Ribbon Cutting
More than 200 water/wastewater industry leaders gathered on March 22, 2022 at the Pure Water Oceanside ribbon cutting to celebrate the first potable water reuse project in operation in the San Diego county region. Pure Water Oceanside will purify recycled wastewater to create a new, local source of high-quality drinking water that is clean, safe, drought-proof and environmentally sound. The program will produce enough water to provide more than 30% of the city’s water supply. Learn more about Pure Water Oceanside here.
EBMUD Wastewater StoryMap
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) recently released their newest online educational resource, “From your tap to the San Francisco Bay”, a virtual tour of the Main Wastewater Treatment Plant. The virtual tour features a variety of engaging videos and interactive maps to help audiences of all levels learn how EBMUD’s wastewater treatment protects public health and the San Francisco Bay. In addition to the new virtual tour, EBMUD continues to demystify the fascinating world of wastewater through their award-winning, live-guided virtual tours: Live-guided virtual tour sign-up. Check them out today!