Distinguished Budget Award
Congratulations and a job well done to Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) who received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for the 14th consecutive year! What a spectacular accomplishment.


Members Contribute to CASA COVID Webpage
During these trying times, we are proud of our agencies for pulling together and sharing resources. The City of Modesto has shared their draft Pandemic Emergency Plan, the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) has also shared multiple communications pieces including: an HR Update, General Manager’s Message, FAQs, and their Telecommuting Guidelines. Find these helpful resources and other Agency’s responses on our COVID-19 webpage and remember that we are all in this together.


Community Collaboration
Valley Sanitary District (VSD) has been collaborating with Riverside County’s Emergency Management Department and Public Health Department in managing COVID-19 and related needs in Indio, CA. The staff at VSD has been actively involved in establishing and maintain public health standards related to wastewater discharges from one of eight federal field medical units. Press Release.