IEUA Receives 2023 Recycled Water Agency of the Year Award
The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA/Agency) was recognized by the WateReuse Association with the 2023 Recycled Water Agency of the Year Award during their 39thAnnual WateReuse Symposium in Denver, Colorado. The Agency was chosen as a winner in the Excellence in Action category for its over 50-year commitment to water resiliency through the innovative use of recycled water for commercial operations, watershed restoration projects, irrigation, indirect potable reuse and more. “The Agency prides itself on delivering compliant, reliable, high-quality recycled water to our customers,” stated IEUA Board President Marco Tule. “We look forward to continuing to pave the way to climate resiliency through our region’s innovative, all-encompassing water resource management plan built around water security. Thank you to WateReuse for their recognition and honor of our over 50-year commitment to supporting local water supply reliability.” Read more in the press release.
CASA Agency Salary Survey
CASA would like to encourage your agency’s participation in the annual Agency Salary and Benefits Survey. The survey provides valuable information for our members. The more responses we receive, the more accurate the statistical summary we can create. If your agency participated previously, your data is important for those agencies that use benchmarks. For those of you who have not participated in recent surveys, or have never participated, you will find this information very helpful when conducting a salary classification and review. Monterey One Water has again graciously volunteered to coordinate and produce the survey report. We look forward to providing as much comprehensive benefit information as possible with the distribution of the results. Please complete the survey by April 29. Survey Attached
We can exclude listing salary data for any sensitive positions that you prefer not to have recorded on the report. However, we would still like to use that information in the calculations of the overall averages. To accomplish this, just make a notation on the survey.
For inquiries about the survey, please contact Shacara Gamboa at Thank you for your participation in the development of this important member resource.