2019 Wastewater Exam Deadline Approaching

The spring 2019 wastewater exam will be held on April 13.  Applications must be received in the Wastewater Operator Certification Program’s (WWOCP) office by February 12, 2019 to be considered for the April 13, 2019 exam.

Examination applications can be found here.


CASA and CWEA California Asset Management Success Stories Webinar

Learn how agencies are implementing asset management, ask questions and learn how planning ahead can help us manage aging infrastructure. This free asset management webinar takes place on February 14 and is open to members of CASA and CWEA. The webinar will focus on collection system asset management.

To register, click here.


Save the Date: Rethink Methane Symposium

February 26-27, stakeholders from the bioenergy, solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas industries will gather in Sacramento. Attendees will gain insight into how renewable methane can help California immediately and cost effectively meet its air quality, climate protection, and economic development objectives.

When:             Tuesday, February 26 – Wednesday, February 27

Where:           Sacramento Convention Center

Panels and presentations will include:

  • RNG Regulation, Policy & Programs – What’s on Deck for the 2019 Legislative Year?
  • Stalled on the Hydrogen Highway: Roadblocks Causing Market Development Gridlock in California
  • Failure to Launch: Real-World Struggles of California Renewable Hydrogen Projects
  • Europe is Leading on Renewable Hydrogen: Insights to Bring to California
  • Strategies to Encourage Private Investments in California Renewable Gas Projects
  • SB1383 Implementation: Navigating the Municipal Procurement Requirement for Renewable Byproducts of Commercial Food Waste
  • The Latest “Moo-vement” on Dairy Digester Development

To see a list of featured speakers and to register, click here.