2015 State Legislation

AB 888 (Bloom) – Ban on Plastic Microbeads

CASA’s Involvement/Position: Support/Co-Sponsor
Status: Enacted (Chapter 594, Statutes of 2015)
Fact Sheet »
Position Letter »
Bill »


AB 888, authored by Assembly member Richard Bloom will prohibit the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products like face wash, soap, and toothpaste after January 1, 2020. CASA is co-sponsoring AB 888 with Clean Water Action, Californians Against Waste, 5 Gyres, and the Story of Stuff Project because it offers the simplest solution for addressing microbead pollution, which is source control.

AB 1144 (Rendon) – Wastewater RECs

CASA’s Involvement or Position: Support/Sponsor
Status: Held in Senate Appropriations Committee
Fact Sheet »
Position Letter »
Bill »


AB 1144 by Assembly member Anthony Rendon would increase the value of Renewable Energy Credits generated at wastewater treatment plants. CASA is sponsoring this important legislation which will recognize the importance of on-site generation in meeting the state’s renewable energy goals and addressing the water-energy nexus.

SB 119 (Hill) – Underground Excavations

CASA’s Involvement or Position: Watch, As Amended
Status: Vetoed
Bill »


SB 119 by Senator Jerry Hill would make changes to the state’s existing underground alert system. Of particular interest to CASA members are proposed changes to provisions relating to marking non-pressurized lines and the installation of tracer wire for new private sewer laterals. CASA has been working with the author, sponsors, and other stakeholders to ensure excavation safety while also advocating that the unique nature of wastewater infrastructure be recognized in the bill’s provisions.

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