Supreme Court Rules in Favor of San Francisco
Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a significant ruling in the case City and County of San Francisco vs. EPA, focusing on the use of receiving water limitations in NPDES permits. The decision was a win for San Francisco, which had sought clearer guidance on the NPDES permit requirements for its Oceanside wastewater treatment plant. CASA has supported the City alongside other national associations as an amicus in the case for several years. The ruling is expected to impact individual NPDES permits for wastewater dischargers across the region, though the full impact on permits in California remains uncertain. This uncertainty may lead to delays in the reissuance of NPDES permits as the State Water Board and Regional Boards determine the appropriate path forward. The CASA Attorneys Committee will be discussing this ruling at our spring meeting. In the interim, agencies are advised to consult their legal counsel about possible impacts to individual permits. CASA will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

Below are links to media coverage and press releases about the decision: