Change in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund 2020-21 Intended Use Plan Cutoff Score
We are pleased to share the following from the State Water Resources Control Board:
At its June 16, 2020 meeting, the State Water Board adopted the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) 2020-21 Intended Use Plan (IUP). The Board established the Cutoff Score at 14 to add new projects to this year’s Fundable List but gave the Deputy Director of the Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) the option to lower the Cutoff Score to 13. Based on staff’s analysis of DFA’s progress to date and assessment of funding all of the projects on 2020-21 Fundable List by June 30, 2021, the Deputy Director of DFA has lowered the Cutoff Score to 13.
This adds 18 scored project applications to the CWSRF 2020-21 Fundable List. DFA’s goal is to execute financing agreements for all projects on the Fundable List by June 30, 2021. Projects on the Fundable List that are not financed by the end of the state fiscal year will be carried over to the next year’s Fundable List unless directed otherwise by the State Water Board or an applicant withdraws its application. More information can be found in the announcement on the CWSRF website.
EPA Invites CA, IA, RI to Apply for $695 Million in Water Infrastructure Loans
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting three state agencies to apply for a total of $695 million in Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loans through EPA’s new state infrastructure financing authority WIFIA (SWIFIA) program. This funding will help states finance infrastructure projects to improve water quality and protect public health in communities across the United States. For this round, California, Iowa, and Rhode Island are invited to apply for funding. “The SWIFIA program will help finance over $3.2 billion in water infrastructure investments across the states of California, Iowa, and Rhode Island, while creating more than 2,000 jobs,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “It’s another example of the Trump Administration’s commitment to building clean water infrastructure across the country.” Read more in the press release.