Did someone say drought resilience? Federal Officials Announce Supporting Long-term Priority Actions

Senior administration officials recently participated in the Second National Drought Forum where they released the 2019 Priority Actions Supporting Long-Term Drought Resilience for water districts across the nation. The document outlines key ways in which federal agencies support state, tribal and local efforts to protect the security of our food supply, integrity of critical infrastructure, resilience of our economy and health and safety of our people and ecosystems. It was developed by the National Drought Resilience Partnership, a federal collaborative formed to promote long-term drought resilience nationwide.

The NDRP categorizes its drought resilience efforts in six goal areas which provide a framework to systematically address how the federal government supports building long-term drought resilience for communities across the U.S. They are:

  • Data Collection and Integration
  • Communicating Drought Risk to Critical Infrastructure
  • Drought Planning and Capacity Building
  • Coordination of Drought Activity
  • Market-based Approaches for Infrastructure and Efficiency
  • Innovative Water Use, Efficiency, and Technology