Wipes Clog Pipes Logo Goes Mobile!
With the onset of COVID-19 and dramatic increase in the use of wipes for disinfecting surfaces, the West Valley Sanitation District wanted to get the word out to their constituents that only toilet paper goes down the toilet. As with many wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment facilities, “disposable” wipes have been a problem for several years now. They cause or contribute to blockages in sewer pipes, they become lodged and damage sewer pumps, and they add to the non-biodegradable material that must be removed during treatment.
The District had been searching for ways to use their two CCTV trucks for some type of public outreach since they have large areas on each side that were sitting blank. The idea of wipes came to mind and the District reached out to CASA staff for assistance in accessing the “Wipes Clog Pipes” logo. Check out the final product!
Virtual Tours
With in-person tours still on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions, many CASA member agencies have found a special way to keep their communities connected with virtual tours of their agencies! Check out two of the most recent additions, City of Roseville’s Virtual Wastewater Utilities Tour and Leucadia Wastewater District’s Virtual Tour which was created by CASA associate member, Rising Tide Partners. If your agency has produced a virtual tour that you would like to share with the CASA membership, please contact Alyssa Downs.