Let’s Talk WBE
CASA’s Communications Committee has been hard at work creating a Resource Toolkit to aid in agency outreach on Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE). Resources include sample social media posts, sample newsletter content, FAQs, a WBE logo, WBE fact sheet, press links to stories on WBE, and more. We hope that these tools are simple enough to “copy + paste” to social media platforms, external newsletters, or other communications, so that you and your teams can keep continued focus on the invaluable work you do. These tools are available for all CASA members to use and customize.
The toolkit is available on the CASA COVID webpage under “WBE Communication Tools”. For access to additional materials or questions about how to use them, please contact Alyssa Downs. This is intended to be a resource to utilize at each agency’s discretion. We are not asking agencies to promote any specific messaging, merely providing materials in case your agency is interested.