Award of Excellence Nominations: Expanded Categories!
CASA is pleased to invite member agencies and associates to submit an Award of Excellence application now through April 30, 2021. This year, CASA has expanded the program to include a separate award for both small and large agencies in all categories. Your organization works hard to do what’s right for California. Recognition from the leading clean water association honors your hard work and accomplishments. It’s a symbol of respect, credibility, and innovation, and can improve employee engagement and morale. Categories include Excellence in Innovation & Resiliency, Public Outreach/Education, Organizational Excellence, and Outstanding Capital Project. Award recipients will be honored in August during CASA’s Annual Conference. Submit an application today!


CASA Education Foundation Scholarship Applications
The CASA Education Foundation helps ensure clean water for Californians by awarding scholarships to promising students on a path to serving the environmental community. Does your local college or university know about CASA’s financial aid to students interested in a career in water? The Foundation is accepting scholarship applications through May 16, 2021. For information on how to apply, who is eligible and the scholarship guidelines, visit the website.


Committee Seeks Suggestions for Potential CASA Board Members
The CASA nominating committee, chaired by past president Bill Long, will convene in early spring to consider CASA Board of Directors candidates for the August 2021 ballot. The committee will be recommending candidates for four of the twelve elected seats. The Board of Directors is the governing body responsible for policy decisions and oversight of CASA’s Executive Director. Board members are expected to:

  • Attend all CASA conferences and the Washington D.C. policy forum
  • Participate in monthly board conference/zoom calls and future in-person meetings
  • Attend an annual strategic planning session for the association
  • Assist in member recruitment and retention
  • Represent CASA at events and meetings as requested by the President

CASA attempts to include geographic diversity as well as a balance of agency managers and elected officials on our Board. This year we anticipate the need for a Northern California elected official. Ideal candidates will be familiar with CASA as an organization and preferably will have served on or actively participated in CASA workgroups, committees and events.

If you know someone who would be a valuable board member, please send a brief email to with their name, agency and a few sentences about his or her qualifications. Please send your recommendation by Monday, March 15, 2021.