COVID-19 and the Wastewater Community
In an effort to help the wastewater community understand and manage the implications associated with COVID-19, the California Water Environment Association(CWEA) has created a highlight on its E-Bulletin webpage to address Coronavirus Safety for Wastewater Professionals with special coverage updates. The page includes resources from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and other helpful links. In addition, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has developed a password-protected page on NACWA’s website addressing COVID-19/Coronavirus Utility Response, which contains documents provided by clean water agency leaders such as Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plans, Emergency Response Plans (ERPs), outreach to staff, media messaging, HR policies on telework and leave considerations, and other relevant information. Our thanks to CWEA and NACWA for sharing excellent resources to put the outbreak of COVID-19 into perspective for the wastewater sector.

CASA is also working to help agencies cope in these difficult times. Our workgroups are discussing various ways agencies are preparing to address any difficulties that might arise and maintain continuity of service, and we will distribute information through our newsletter and through our LISTSERVs as we continue to gather more information. CASA has also converted several upcoming meetings to conference calls and we are observing all recommendations related to social distancing and non-essential travel.

As always, and especially in times like these, a big thank you to all wastewater professionals who continue to work around the clock to protect public health and the environment. CASA is proud to advocate on behalf of the wastewater sector and the people vital to ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for California.