The weekend after Thanksgiving, Napa Sanitation District (NapaSan) employees got into the holiday spirit to spread the word about only flushing the 3 P’s- pee, poop, and (toilet) paper in Napa’s holiday parade! Staff from every department, along with a few family members, decorated the agency’s truck with an amazing number of lights, garlands, snowflakes, and shiny Christmas ornaments. On both sides of the truck, large signs in English and Spanish highlighted the message of only flushing the 3 P’s to keep the sewer system healthy. To really accentuate the theme, employees (willingly!) dressed up in pee, poop, and toilet paper costumes and walked beside the truck along the parade route giving out individually wrapped rolls of recycled toilet paper and candy to the crowd. The toilet paper was by far the more popular giveaway item! After more than a year with very few in-person outreach opportunities, it was great to come together as a team and do some in-person, covid-safe outreach. It was a fun time spreading the word to a large group of NapaSan’s customers about protecting the sewer system!
For over 40 years, Central San employees have been giving back to the communities they serve via their Annual Giving Campaign. The month-long, year-end campaign features presentations by local non-profit organizations and weekly raffles in which employees can win prizes, including donations for their favorite charities. These innovations help foster community partnerships, boost engagement, and make the Giving Campaign a fun annual event. As part of a pilot program approved by the Board of Directors in 2019, Central San covers all administrative costs for the campaign, so every dollar of employee contributions goes to the charities of their choice. The campaign makes it easy for employees to support their chosen charities via automatic payroll deductions or one-time donations. For the first time this year, Central San retirees are also eligible to participate. Also new this year is a “Spare Change” program that lets donors automatically round up credit card purchases to give conveniently and affordably whenever they use their card. So far, this year’s campaign has raised close to $30,000.
At Rising Tide Partners, they stay true to their mission of educating, supporting and keeping the local communities connected. They strive to be proactive in advocating for community organizations by preserving local landscapes and encouraging environmental stewardship. Putting words to action, in November, they brought Leucadia Wastewater District and the City of Carlsbad together to seed native plants at the Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Center in Carlsbad. They will continue to volunteer throughout San Diego communities quarterly and look forward to spending time in their local communities!
Rancho Water- Parade Winner for the City of Temecula’s Santa’s Electric Light Parade
Each year, the city of Temecula puts on an annual Santa’s Electric Light Parade. Rancho Water has entered the contest for seventeen years! The goal is to help with outreach, messaging, and continue key partnerships with the city. On Friday, December 3, 2021, Rancho Water employees decorated a large dump truck, excavator, and an extended cab pickup truck. Employees made the vehicles festive with lights, tinsel, garland, fake snow, inflatables, large speakers, and a bubble machine for the kids. It was a great opportunity to show some holiday cheer. Rancho won first place in their category (commercial float) and was the overall parade winner!
Light the Night with DSRSD
A couple years back, Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) maintenance staff began a new holiday tradition, adding lights to the Odor Reduction Tower at their Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility in Pleasanton. The lights showcase a fun way for our industry to affect public perception by reminding anyone driving by (the plant is next to I-680) why the facility exists—to protect public health and the environment by treating wastewater and making recycled water.
12 Days of Christmas, the Rewrite by WMWD