CASA and CWEA invite you to join us this morning at 9:00am for a live webinar: Wastewater Based Surveillance – An update on its use and variant tracking. We will provide updates to the wastewater community on recent developments in wastewater-based surveillance (WBS) for COVID and its variants. Presenters include the California Department of Public Health, discussing their program and engagement with WBS, Professor Al Boehm (Stanford University) who will provide an update on her ongoing surveillance work and focus on variants, and Noako Munakata (LACSD) who will discuss the District’s work with WBS and future plans.

Speakers include:
Greg Kester – CASA – Moderator
Dr. Alex Yu – California Department of Public Health
Dr. Alexandria Boehm – Stanford University
Dr. Naoko Munakata – Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts

Free to members and non-members

Register here!


CWA at 50 Webinar
Join CASA and CWEA today from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a deep dive into the Clean Water Act and the regulations driving our profession. The Clean Water Act and Porter-Cologne provided California’s water professionals and regulators the support and funding needed to make monumental clean water achievements. Rivers, bays, and beaches across the Golden State are cleaner than ever and enjoyed by millions of residents and tourists. Now 50 years old, and entering “middle age”, what’s the future of the Clean Water Act? Join our panel of regulatory leaders to explore and celebrate the CWA and learn about their vision for clean water going forward. You’ll learn about:

  • CWA achievements and State Water Board priorities.
  • Recurring challenges, including: Waters of the US, non-point source pollution, regulatory flexibility and innovation, and more.
  • Current enforcement trends and where they’re heading.

Register today!


BAYWORK’s 3-Part Digital Worker Webinar Series
Register today for the final webinar of BAYWORK’s  3-part webinar series where experts discuss digital tools and implications for utility workers. This webinar is geared for water and wastewater professionals, especially managers and supervisors, operations and maintenance staff, and IT, HR and others interested in implementing new technology. Register today!

October 12 – 10am to 12pm

Webinar #3: Digital Innovation: Which tools and strategies pay off for utilities?


California Financing Coordinating Committee 2022 Fall Funding Fairs
The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is pleased to invite you to attend a free virtual funding fair on October 19 and November 3, 2022 (see flyer for more information). The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available grant, loan, and bond financing options for infrastructure projects from federal, state, and local agencies.

Representatives from water industry professionals, public works and local governments are encouraged to attend. For more information about CFCCC, please visit the website at


CWEA Webinar Recycled Water: Terminology, Context and Promotion
Save the date for a webinar on recycled water October 20 at 11:00 a.m. presented by the California Water Environment Association’s community engagement and outreach committee. When potable reuse was first considered in the 1980s, a lack of public education led to public opposition that proved catastrophic to potential projects. Now as California continues to deal with issues of extreme drought, recycled water can be one of the keys to help strengthen local water supplies, improve water quality, support irrigation and agriculture, and with advanced purified recycled water, even become high quality drinking water, but only if the public supports and has trust in the process. Education, awareness and using terminology that is commonly understood by communities where advance treatment is being introduced is critical toward acceptance.

This webinar will discuss a brief history on recycled water and advanced purified recycled water, where it is going, and why coming together and choosing the proper terminology and context is critical toward gaining acceptance of future water projects.


Registration is now open for the H2OSecCon: Security for the Water Sector. Covering three afternoons, this one-of-a-kind virtual event will help water utilities understand physical and cyber threats and boost security. H2OSecCon will feature critical recommendations, industry subject matter experts, and resources that utilities need to protect their consumers, assets, and the environment. Register today! The event is a 3-day event November 15-17.


Save the Date!
Be sure to save the date for CASA’s Winter Conference 2023, on Wednesday, January 25 – Friday, January 27 in Palm Springs! Stay tuned for more details in future editions of Connects.