Microplastics Health Effects Webinar Series
The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) is hosting a five session webinar series every Monday from October 19 to November 16, during which microplastics experts from around the world will summarize current knowledge and discuss the latest findings regarding microplastics toxicity. Representatives from the State Water Resources Control Board and the Ocean Protection Council will also share their perspectives about how such science will be used in meeting the legislative mandates. This webinar series is open to the public, with the intent of informing the community (e.g., scientists, environmental managers, stakeholders) about the latest scientific developments regarding the potential health effects of microplastics. Learn more and register here.


CAAWEF Webinar
On Thursday, October 29, 2020, CASA is pleased to be sponsoring an event as part of the California African American Water Education Foundation (CAAWEF) webinar series that will focus on strategic communications from wastewater agencies to diverse communities and ways to broaden POTW messaging. Be sure to join for a chance to hear from communications experts like Maurice Chaney from the City of Roseville and Heather Engel with ACWA. The event will be livestreamed via Streamyard, accessible on youtube(@CAAWEF_), facebook (@CAAWEF), and a link on the CAAWEF webpage here.


Join us as we continue our COVID-19 webinar series on October 27, 2020 at 11:00. For the last six months, CASA and CWEA have hosted a series of joint webinars focusing primarily on COVID-19 related issues. We will continue that series through the end of the year, focusing on wastewater based epidemiology developments and other relevant COVID-19 research and initiatives.


Clean Water Summit Partners’ Workshop
Please save the date for Wednesday, October 28, from 9:00am to 1:00pm for a continuation of the Clean Water Summit Partners’ first workshop on the State Water Board’s investigative order of PFAS. This webinar is designed to assist agencies with efficient and consistent compliance with the order. Speakers will include managers from clean water agencies discussing QAPPs and SLAPs, commercial laboratory representatives discussing best practices, a legal perspective on responding to the questionnaire and data disclaimers due to lack of EPA approved test methods, toxicologists sharing about the risk of PFAS for human health exposure and OEHHA’s corresponding work, and PFAS researchers examining the fate of PFAS at long term biosolids application sites, as well as grab vs. composite samples and TOP analysis. Be sure to register today.


CASA/CWEA Planning for Fiscal Recovery Rescheduled for December 3
On December 3, 2020, at 10:00am, be sure to join CASA for a joint webinar with CWEA on “Planning for Fiscal Recovery – Perspectives for Agency Executives, CFOs and Board Members.” As sanitation agencies continue to adjust to uncertain economic conditions, they must balance the needs of their constituents and the operations of their systems. Should I raise rates or rely on my reserves? Can I give customer rebates and what are the impacts? Can I continue to build my capital program? How do I communicate with my customers? Come hear from industry experts as they discuss financial planning, capital funding and customer impacts.


Virtual Funding Fair
The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is pleased to invite you to attend a free virtual funding fair today, October 22, 2020. The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available grant, loan and bond financing options for infrastructure projects from federal, state, and local agencies. Representatives from water industry professionals, public works, local governments, and California Native American Tribes should attend. This includes city managers and planners, economic development and engineering professionals, officials from privately owned facilities, water and irrigation district managers, financial advisors, and project consultants. For more information about CFCCC, please visit the website at www.cfcc.ca.gov.


State Water Board and CPUC Workshop
On Friday, October 30, 2020, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold a public workshop on Water Affordability Impacts During COVID-19. The workshop will include panel discussions on solutions to customer protections, arrearage management, fee forgiveness CARE funding, and small water system operation impacts. The workshop is an opportunity for interested persons or parties to provide input to the State Water Board. Read more here in the notice from the State Water Board.