Sewershed Protection Article in Science
The latest issue of Science features an article which highlights the intersection of urban reuse projects and industrial discharges to renew the call for protection of sewersheds. You may review the article online here, but a key takeaway is, “Regulations for sewershed protection must take into account the potential risks that chemicals in the sewershed pose to public health, as well as the cost and effectiveness of existing technologies to purify wastewater to drinking water standards. In sewersheds with higher risk of drinking water contamination due to large volumes of industrial chemical discharges to a sewershed relative to the volume of municipal wastewater, sewershed protection regulations might prohibit potable water reuse or require more extensive treatment and monitoring.” Please reach out to Jared Voskuhl if you’re interested in dialoguing about the article!



HHS Seeks An Early Warning System
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking bids from contractors that can carry out a plan to test up to 30% of the country’s wastewater to act as an “early warning system” for coronavirus outbreaks. The HHS-backed initiative will begin by assembling a network of about 100 wastewater treatment plants across 42 states to establish wastewater coronavirus surveillance. View the full article here.