Relationship Between Innovation and Regulation
Regulation is often seen as a barrier to innovation. Factors related to ‘regulatory relationships’ and the ‘broader regulatory environment’” are frequently cited as hurdles in efforts to innovate. In the wastewater sector, debating the proper role of increased regulatory requirements is nothing new, but does it truly play a role in decelerating innovation? A publication funded by the US EPA and the ReNUWIt Engineering Research Center, takes a look at how innovation and regulation are correlated. Read more about how building the capacity to navigate the regulatory process in creative ways may prove to be a promising approach here.


Clean Water Sector Comments on DTSC’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance
Earlier this spring, the Department of Toxic Substances and Control issued guidance on vapor intrusion in buildings, along with supplemental guidance for screening. The Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (SCAP) prepared comments explaining how the design and engineering of sewer pipes make it very improbable for vapors to escape and leak into buildings, for which CASA signed-on, along with BACWA and CVCWA. The comments are available here. If you are interested in these proceedings, please reach out to SCAP’s Executive Director, Steve Jepsen.



CASA Supports CDC Role in Wastewater Based Epidemiology
On June 2, 2020, CASA submitted a letter to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) to support CDC serving as the federal coordinating agency for state and local efforts utilizing Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE), which entails monitoring influent wastewater and/or primary sludge for the RNA of SARS-CoV-2. CASA shared a fact sheet explaining WBE, how it is being used, and its importance. WBE could be an important tool for tracking community presence of the virus in the coming months and an opportunity for wastewater agencies to expand their role in protecting public health during the pandemic. If you have any questions, please check out our dedicated webpage or contact Greg Kester.