All workgroups are open to agency and associate members with an interest in the subject matter. Workgroups choose their own chair and vice chair.


Regulatory Workgroup

Co-Chair – Amber Baylor (SOCWA)
Co-Chair – Mitch Mysliwiec (Larry Walker Associates)

Scope and Purpose: The regulatory workgroup: (1) establishes CASA’s position on state and federal regulatory proposals that affect wastewater agencies, (2) assists in drafting comment letters and regulatory language, and (3) provides a forum for members to learn about the latest regulatory developments on biosolids, water quality, and recycled water. The workgroup is divided into two subgroups with a biosolids focus and a water focus.

Biosolids Co-Chair – Janet Samala (City of LA)
Biosolids Co-Chair – Ryan Batjiaka (SFPUC)

Water Co-Chair – Lori Schectel (Central San)
Water Co-Chair – Alicia Appel (Encina WW Authority)

Meetings: The workgroup typically meets the third Thursday of every month except August, with half of the meetings virtually via Zoom, with the other half occurring in-person rotating between northern and southern California.

Join or learn more about the water issue workgroup and/or the biosolids workgroup.

Collection Systems Workgroup

Chair – Paul Causey (Causey Consulting)
Vice Chair – Lucia Diaz (IEUA)

Scope and Purpose: The collection systems workgroup reviews and comments on regulatory proposals and permits relating to sewer collection systems, serves as a clearinghouse for collection system performance metrics and other data and coordinates with other associations working on collection system issues.

Meetings: Meets every other month virtually via Zoom.

Join or learn more about the collections workgroup.

Air Quality, Climate Change and Energy Workgroup (ACE)

Chair – Heidi Oriol (Regional San)

Scope and Purpose: The air quality, climate change and energy workgroup reviews and comments on regulatory, legislative and policy proposals related to energy and climate change. The workgroup serves as a forum to discuss regulatory and policy initiatives, new technologies, funding opportunities and capital projects.

Meetings: The workgroup meets every month either in person, video conference or conference call.

Join or learn more about the air quality, climate change and energy workgroup.

HR and Workforce Development Group

Chair – Cara Morin (LACSD)

Scope and Purpose: An opportunity for human resources professionals within CASA’s member agencies to engage on workforce development issues and get questions answered related to issues of common interest among public clean water agencies.

Meetings: The meeting schedule is currently being worked on.

Join or learn more about the HR and workforce development group.