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    CASA News 3-13-25

    Spencer Saks Takes on New Role as Legislative and Regulatory Advocate We are excited to announce that Spencer Saks has been promoted to the position [...]

      Federal Legislative Update 3-13-25

      House Subcommittee Examines Clean Water Infrastructure Funding Needs On March 11, the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment held a hearing to explore [...]

        Regulatory Update 3-13-25

        CASA Partners with CDPH for Utilities Focused Wastewater Surveillance Office Hours On March 19, the CDPH Wastewater Surveillance Office Hours meeting will focus on utilities [...]

          In Case You Missed It 3-13-25

          Supreme Court Rules in Favor of San Francisco Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a significant ruling in the case City and County [...]

            Upcoming Events 3-13-25

            Webinar: Revolutionizing Wastewater Management with Smart Sewer Solutions The Water Technology Alliance (WTA) hosts a monthly webinar on the last Thursday of each month from [...]
